Tag: Bridge

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth.

A bridge is made up of two crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap. These two anchoring teeth are called ‘abutment’ teeth, with a false tooth (or teeth) in between. These false teeth are called ‘pontics’, and can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Bridges may be suggested by your dentist for several reasons, which might include:

  • Restoring your smile
  • Restoring the ability to properly chew and speak
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Distributing the forces in your bite properly by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position
What Types of Dental Bridges Are Available?

Traditional or conventional cast bridges involve creating a crown for the tooth or implant on either side of the missing tooth, with a pontic in between. Conventional bridges are the most common type of bridge and are made of either porcelain fused to metal or ceramics. Sometimes full coverage crowns may not be required to help retain a bridge. If this is the case, a Maryland Bridge may suffice. Occasionally a patients own tooth may be used as a temporary bridge by bonding to the adjacent teeth.